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1h 0m | Posted 11.04.24
Week 6: Music Making Activities
An online recording of our week six training session, all about different music making activities.
1h 0m | Posted 11.04.24
Week 5: Showcase
An online recording of our week five training session, all about how to showcase participants in your music session.
1h 5m | Posted 11.04.24
Week 4: Creating Music
An online recording of our week four training session, all about creating music.
1h 14m | Posted 11.04.24
Week 3: Musical Conversations
An online recording of our week three training session, all about your how to have musical conversations.
59m | Posted 11.04.24
Week 2: Communicating Without Words
An online recording of our week two training session, all about communicating without words.
50m | Posted 11.04.24
Week 1: Your Role
An online recording of our week one training session, all about your role in a music session.