Music Champions
Downloadable Resources
Download the media consent form you will need your service users to sign - translated here into Urdu
Download the training manual in Urdu translation here
Download the Music in Mind training Manual here
Wondering what tracks to use in your music sessions? Here's some ideas for the types of tracks you might consider using as a Music Champion.
Our research partners at the University of Manchester will be evaluating Music in Mind. This research is aimed at proving that our Music Cafés provide valuable and cost-effective support to people living with dementia.
The research will be completely anonymous and is optional for participants. If participants want to help increase our knowledge so that we can continue to support future groups of people living with dementia, we will need your name, address and date of birth.
This registration form is to be filled in weekly by Music Champions for their Music Café. It will document details of the music session, including a register of those attending.
A handy one page overview of what you will experience and how you can make the most of your involvement in one of our music sessions as a Music Champion.
This form is to be completed by any individuals being asked to participate in the production of video, audio or photographic work for Music in Mind.